The third floor has become somewhat a hangout for a few of us. It's a place we can actually smoke cigars indoors, which is something nice in Montana in the winter. It's dirty and dusty and stinky, which means none of our wives are all that excited about spending much time there. So it's a good place for the guys to relax. We refer to it by a number of names, as nothing has seemed just right just yet. "Man cave" is appropriate, but overused. We've also called it the "Man loft," the "third floor lounge" and "upstairs," but nothing has stuck. While I was building the bar last night, my friend said we had a new version of a speakeasy, now that smoking is no longer allowed in public buildings. So I suggested the name "The smoke-easy." We'll see how that one flies.
I deactivated my Facebook account recently (for the second time) and I'm happy not to have the time suck draining my day. I was getting to the point where I was spending hours at a time and my stomach was in knots about all the political and personal BS that resides there. Not only do I have more time now, I also have a lot fewer notification rings and flashing lights on my phone. I sometimes miss looking at friends' pictures, but I can always look on someone else's account if I feel the need. Also, I can post pictures on here for anyone who is interested.
There's lots more on my mind, but I have work to do. Maybe I can post more in another six years?